This is only a problem with vector games (which feature lots of 1 pixel high horizontal lines) - it's
noticable in some games; undetectable in others (Asteroids is about the worst)
What happens is this -
a horizontal line is draw (say, the bottom segment of an asteroid) on an even line,
the screen is displayed , and the video card draws it's first pass of odd lines.
The segment of the asteroid is on an even line so it's not displayed on the arcade monitor.
The game code moves on and the asteroid moves one pixel vertically,
the asteroid segment is now on an odd line
Once again the displayed is updated - this time with even lines, so again
the asteroid segment is not displayed
If the asteroid continues to move one pixel at a time vertically the horizontal segment will never
be displayed on the arcade monitor
To get round this problem, use the 'waitinterlace' option
You should only use it where you can see a line drop problem, and it's not neccessary for raster games
Using 'waitinterlace' will automatically set the frame rate to ,or below, 30FPS.
(this is generally what vector games run at anyway)
Vector Games and the 'Generic' driver
If your card works with the 'generic' SVGA driver in MAME, you will get a non-interlaced 640x480 display
The way this works is to only display every other horizontal line in the display,
effectively giving you a 640x240 display, but with the aspect ratio of 640x480
To compenstate for the missing display lines, you need to set the beam option in MAME to
be '2' (this produces a surprisingly effect result)
If your card does not work with either of MAME's SVGA drivers - you need to pick a standard VGA mode
MAME's vector games run with an aspect ratio of 4/3 (640x480,800x600 etc.) so for the best
results you need to run in a mode with a similar aspect ratio - such as 320x240
You can use the 'hires' VGA modes (512x448,512x512)
but ,again, you'll again need to set 'beam' to '2'