The main reason for it was economic -
High resolution 'raster' displays could not be made cheaply
So ,instead, pass the monitor a collection of lines, which would govern the movement of the monitor's
electron gun(s),rather than forcing the monitor to use a high horizontal scanrate so it could fit all
the 'hires' lines into one display cycle
It's like the difference between a normal printer and a printer plotter
Vector monitors were troublesome (with cases of a certain manufacture's vector monitors actually catching fire)
and they fell out of favour as it became economic to produce medium or hires raster monitors
Today, nobody produces any arcade games which use vector monitors
The only way to accurately display a vector game is with a vector monitor
For instance the 'flicker' option in MAME is designed to emulate the way vector displays were created
i.e. vector monitors relied quite heavily on 'after image'
That is, they were going through each line to be drawn in the image one at a time and moving the
electron gun(s) around the display to draw that individual line
So they worked on the basis that the phospors would still 'glow' for a certain amount of time after
they were hit by the electron beam
Hopefully - every line in the image could be drawn and the 'after glow' of the phosphors would make the image
appear stable. Generally, this was not the case and the image would 'flicker' slightly
In fact, many vector monitors used long persistence phospors in attempt to reduce flicker
This meant that the phospors glowed brighter and for a longer period of time
after they were hit by the electron beam than phospors used in a 'normal' monitor
Which is why you used to get 'after images' or 'trails' in Asteriods as the rocks moved around the screen
and why blowing up the Death Star in Star Wars resulted in such a bright explosion
So, displaying a vector game on any raster monitor produces a noticable different result to the original
Displaying it on a 15.75kHz arcade monitor with interlacing, automatically introduces a flicker to the display
Using a PC monitor, you can run the game at a higher resolution, to try and closer emulate the vector monitor
Neither look like exactly like a vector monitor - as nothing does.